We Invite You to Worship with Us!
Worship is at the heart of our Christian life together. We bring our everyday lives, our gifts, our hopes and dreams, and encounter the life-changing love and grace of God in Christ.
We would love to have you join us in worship, either in person or online, as we journey together in faith!
Join us on Sundays

8:30 a.m. Chapel*
10:00 a.m. Sanctuary and Online
* This service moves to the Sanctuary occasionally during the year and typically moves outdoors in the summer months.
Nursery Care: From September to May, professional childcare is provided in our nursery (room 112) during the 10:00 a.m. service. During the summer months, parents may attend worship online through our livestreamed 10:00 a.m. service while attending to their children in the nursery.
We are ADA accessible. The front entrance is wheelchair accessible and there is an elevator to reach all floors of the church. We provide hearing assistance devices and a hearing loop in the sanctuary upon request. Restrooms are located on every level of the church and are wheelchair accessible.
Worship Online
Our 10:00 a.m. service is live streamed on YouTube and the recording of the service is available anytime after the service.
Worship is at the heart of our Christian life together. We bring our everyday lives, our gifts, our hopes and dreams, and encounter the life-changing love and grace of God in Christ. Our prayer is that we are transformed and equipped for all that God sends us to be and do.
All are welcome here!
We embrace a spirit of openness and hospitality in following Jesus’ example of loving God and serving others. We believe all people are created in the image of God and affirm their inherent sacred worth and dignity. We are affiliated with the Reconciling Ministries Network and seek a fully inclusive church that recognizes God’s image in everyone.
Messy Church
Designed for families with young children, Messy Church meets the second Sunday of each month from 11:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. in the gym.
Messy Church is an opportunity for children and their families to let children move around and for families to be together in an informal worship environment. It is sometimes difficult to have children attend church. They don’t like to sit still or be quiet or just listen. We want to provide a chance for children to be who they are…active, creative, and lively!
At Messy Church, we make crafts and enjoy activities together. We participate in a short and lively time of gathering for a story; and enjoy a family friendly lunch. It’s a time for building community along with thinking about that greater power that is creator and love of all. Everyone is welcome at Messy Church!
Music Ministry
We believe that music is an important part of helping our congregation grow in their faith in worship together. Using well-written and expressive church music, we can help strengthen our faith in God and touch people’s hearts. We are blessed and thankful to have faithful and talented musicians who serve in the music ministry of our church.
The Music Ministry of First United Methodist Church provides members and friends of all ages the opportunity to enjoy fellowship and serve through choir participation. Our choirs are open to all and you are invited to join anytime!
Learn more about our Music Ministry.
We celebrate the sacrament of Holy Baptism in our 10:00 a.m. worship service. To schedule a baptism, please contact one of our pastors or call the church office.