Serve Others

A commitment to help others in need in our community, our nation, and around the world is a pillar of Downers Grove First United Methodist Church’s mission and vision. We are a faith community that provides opportunities to people of all ages, interests, and abilities to help make a difference in the lives of others. Everyone is invited to be a part of the efforts that perform God’s work.

    Encore Concert 2025 & Downers Grove Garden Walk

    Encore Concert 2025. Sunday, March 2; 3:30 p.m.

    We invite you to join us on Sunday, March 2, 2025 at 3:30 p.m. for the Encore Concert 2025 to benefit families served by Bridge Communities. We welcome back favorite performers from past Encore concerts and new musicians for a special afternoon of music ranging from jazz to pop to classical and Broadway favorites. Tickets for $15 per person will be on sale in mid-February.

    The concert is a fundraiser benefiting the families served by the Bridge Board of the Downers Grove First United Methodist Church (DGFUMC) which is a program partner with Bridge Communities, a 501(c)3 non-profit organization supporting those experiencing homelessness and housing insecurity in transition to self-sufficiency. 

    Downers Grove Garden Walk 2025. Saturday, July 19; 9:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.

    The Downers Grove Garden Walk is an annual fundraiser held each July to benefit the Bridge Board of the First United Methodist Church in Downers Grove.

    Homeowners of five beautiful gardens graciously share their private gardens for the benefit of our work in helping homeless families achieve independence. Tickets for the Garden Walk are on sale one month before the event for $20.

    The Bridge Board is a program partner with Bridge Communities, a 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization whose focus is to transform the lives of homeless families by guiding them to a better future. Proceeds support Bridge Board families who are mentored and sponsored by volunteers from out church.

    South DuPage Crop Hunger Walk

    Donate to Crop Walk

    • More than 800 million people in the world go hungry every day.
    • More than one billion people lack access to safe drinking water and more than two billion lack sanitation.
    • In the last 50 years, almost 400 million people worldwide have died from hunger and poor sanitation – that’s three times the number of people killed in all wars fought in the 20th century.

    The South DuPage CROP Hunger Walk is a 5 km (3.1 mile) walk held annually in October, with participants asking friends and family to sponsor them. The South DuPage community have raised nearly $600,000 over the past 25 years through holding this annual CROP Hunger Walk, which helps to support the grassroots, hunger-fighting development efforts of Church World Service (CWS) partner agencies in more than 80 countries.

    CROP Hunger Walks help to provide tools of hope that empower people to meet their own needs. From seeds and tools, to wells and water systems, to nutrition-enhancing Moringa trees, to technical training and micro-enterprise loans, the key is people working together to identify their own development priorities – something CWS has learned through 58 years of working in partnership around the world.

    Community Kitchen Dinners

    Our church hosts Thursday evening dinners to help neighbors facing food insecurity in our community. Volunteer help to set up, serve, and clean up on Thursdays from 5:15 – 6:45 p.m. also is appreciated weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly – whatever your schedule permits. See the sign-up form.

    This effort is in conjunction with six other churches that now offer five nights of meals in Downers Grove throughout each week.

    For questions or more information, contact Marty Wronkiewicz at or Kim Bosch at Thank you for your generosity.

    Adopt-a-Stream Annual Volunteer Clean-up Day

    Join the Environmental Stewardship Work Area for a fun nature adventure that will make a difference! We clean-up sites recommended through The Conservation Foundation’s Adopt-a-Stream program. We will be picking up trash in a site located close to the church that needs a lot of help.

    All you need to bring are waterproof boots or shoes you won’t mind getting muddy; tools, gloves, and bags will be provided. This is a great activity for kids aged 7 and up to participate in with a parent or guardian.

    We appreciate the support of this important Downers Grove First United Methodist Church environmental initiative to help keep our local waterways clean and healthy! Stay tuned for an upcoming clean-up date.