Children and Families
We provide Sunday School and nursery care during weekly worship; midweek family fellowship from September to May in conjunction with children and youth choir rehearsals; Messy Church for young families monthly; service and social opportunities for children, youth, and families; and more.
A Moment for Children in Worship
Near the beginning of the 10:00 a.m. worship service, children are invited to come to the front of the Sanctuary for a lesson designed especially for them. Following the lesson, children signed up for Sunday School are escorted by children’s ministry team members to the classrooms in the education wing to participate in age-appropriate activities related to the theme of the worship service.
Children are always welcome to remain in the Sanctuary during the worship service. Child-friendly worship resources (such as crayons, Bible games, and stories) are available in the Welcome area to keep children engaged during services in the Sanctuary.
Sunday School and Nursery Care
Sunday School classes are taught by a wonderful group of people who have been called to teach the stories of the Bible, strengthen children’s relationship with God, and deepen children’s understanding of their faith.
Each week, children begin in the 10:00 a.m. worship service with their families and then attend Sunday School after the children’s message time. Sunday School material incorporates Bible stories, activities, crafts, and games into a full-faith experience for children to develop the skills to unlock the Bible message and grow their faith.
During the school year, the following classes are offered each Sunday for children following the children’s message in worship:
- Preschool class – room 114
- Kindergarten class – room 115
- 1st & 2nd grade class – room 212
- 3rd & 4th grade class – room 215
- 5th & 6th grade class – room 218
In the summer, we offer a combined Sunday School class for all ages.
Please contact Pastor John Smoke, Director of Christian Education, if you have any comments or questions regarding the Sunday School program. He can be reached by email at john@dgfumc.org.
Nursery Care
September — May
During the 10:00 a.m. worship service, we offer nursery care for infants and toddlers in room 112.
Messy Church
It is sometimes difficult to have children attend church. They don’t like to sit still or be quiet or just listen. Frankly, we don’t blame them. We want children to be who they are…active, creative, and lively! Messy Church is an opportunity for children, along with their families, to do just that.
Messy Church is held on the second Sunday of the month at 11:00 a.m. in our gym. There is a time to make crafts as a family, a short (and lively) time of gathering, and a family-friendly lunch. This time is about building community, along with thinking about the greater power that is the creator and love of all. Everyone is welcome!
Feel free to contact Pastor John Smoke at john@dgfumc.org if you have any questions about Messy Church.
Children and Youth Choirs
We have choirs for all ages beginning at age 4. Everyone is welcome to sing and meet new friends! Choirs are open to new members all year.
Wednesday Evening Fellowship
Children and families are invited to participate in the Wednesday evening choirs and family dinner time. Children and their families are especially invited to join us for choir rehearsals and join other families for dinner in the church gym from 5:00 – 6:30 p.m.
Dinner is available by purchasing a subscription for the fall or winter/spring seasons. Subscription forms are available in the church office or from Pastor John Smoke.
Home-cooked meals are provided a couple of times a season by a team of volunteer church members and these are open to anyone with a free-will offering.
Registration Forms
Summer Camp
Children who have completed grades 2 – 8 are welcome to attend our annual week-long camp held in June at Wesley Woods in Williams Bay, Wisconsin. High school students and adults are invited to participate as counselors. This is a beautiful wooded camp with a beachfront on Lake Geneva. A day of camp is filled with many activities: games, art, Bible study, music, yoga, group building, archery, swimming, boating, and many other fun activities. Camp lasts only a week, but what campers take home lasts a lifetime! Sign your children up to join us this year! Watch for sign-up information in March eah year.
Vacation Bible School
This program is planned each summer for children going into kindergarten through grade 6. This annual event is generally held in July or August on a Tuesday through Thursday from 9:00 a.m. to noon and includes many fun activities designed to teach about our faith and life.