We are a community of people growing together as disciples of Christ.
Our mission is to extend opportunities to everyone to know God, grow in faith, and serve others.
We would love to have you join us in worship at either of our services as we journey together in faith!
Who We Are

We are a community of people who are growing together as disciples of Christ. Our mission is to extend opportunities to everyone to know God, grow in faith, and serve others.
Worship is at the heart of our Christian life together. We bring our everyday lives, our gifts, our hopes and dreams, and encounter the life-changing love and grace of God in Christ.
Downers Grove First United Methodist Church has been a place of faith, hope, and love in action since 1836. Located in the heart of Downers Grove on Maple Avenue near Main Street, we are open to our community in welcoming hospitality. Our church is a center of worship, faith development, care, mission, and community service.
All are welcome here! We embrace a spirit of openness and hospitality in following Jesus’ example of loving God and serving others. We believe all people are created in the image of God and affirm their inherent sacred worth and dignity. Therefore, we celebrate and welcome into the sacred community and ministry all people regardless of age, race, color, ethnicity, nationality, gender, gender identity, marital status, sexual orientation, family configuration, faith background, socioeconomic status, or physical and mental abilities.
We are affiliated with the Reconciling Ministries Network and seek a fully inclusive church which recognizes God’s image in everyone.
I’m New!
What should I expect?
We offer services on Sundays mornings at 8:30 in our Chapel and 10:00 a.m. in our Sanctuary. In worship, we follow a United Methodist liturgical tradition but also make room for new input. Children are always welcome in worship, though we offer nursery care and Sunday School, if you would like. You are welcome to dress casually or more formally if you wish. There is no dress code.
We invite you to join us in worship and learn who we are. We hope that you feel welcome when you do. Please fill out our friendship register in the pews so that we may be in touch with you!
The 8:30 a.m. service is a warm, inviting, 45-minute service held in our chapel. There is no choir; we have piano or organ accompaniment as the congregation sings. In the summer, this service is held outdoors in the north parking lot, if weather permits.
The 10:00 a.m. service is a welcome service in the main sanctuary that includes a choir. A liturgist reads the scripture and the pastors lead the congregation in reciting responsive prayers. Our 10:00 a.m. worship is also online, livestreamed on YouTube.
Where do I park?
The front entrance door and parking lot to the church are off Maple Avenue. You may park in the parking lot off Maple Avenue. An automated handicap access door is located at this entrance. There also is plenty of parking in our north or back parking lot off Grove Street. If the lots are full when you arrive at church for worship, there is overflow parking off Maple Avenue in the bank parking lot just past our church’s parking lot entrance or at the back of the church on Grove Street.
Where do I enter the building?
Our sanctuary is accessed easily from the main parking lot by a short flight of stairs or elevator. As you enter the sanctuary, you will be greeted and receive a worship bulletin, which provides you with the information to participate in our worship service. You may also request a large print bulletin, a large print hymnal, or a hearing loop/hearing assistance.
Our Chapel, where our 8:30 a.m. service takes place, is accessed on the first floor as well. Look for the directional signs to guide you.
After the service, people typically greet and visit with one another before they leave. Feel free to stop by in the parlor on the first floor right outside the sanctuary or near the welcome table at the top of the stairs to learn more about our church.
If you are looking for our church office and you are new to our church, it’s best to use the elevator to come to the second floor. Our church office is located directly off the elevator on the second floor.
Where do my children go during worship?
We offer nursery care (birth through age 3) during worship. Sunday School is offered each Sunday during our 10:00 a.m. service for children who are preschool age through sixth grade.
- Nursery Care: Although children are always welcome in worship, we also offer nursery care for those who are three years old and under. Our Nursery room is on the first floor, please follow the signs to Room 112.
- Children’s Moment: Each week, we offer a Children’s Moment during our worship at 10:00 a.m. Children are invited to share in this special time at the front of the church. Afterward, our children’s pastor and Sunday School teachers lead children to Sunday School classes. Children may also stay in worship with their families, if you prefer.
- Sunday School: Children begin in the 10:00 a.m. worship service and attend Sunday School following the children’s message. Sunday School is offered for those in preschool through sixth grade. The material incorporates Bible stories, activities, crafts, and games into a full faith experience for children to develop the skills to unlock the Bible message and grow their faith by leaps and bounds. Each fall, families are invited to register for School School so that we may plan, but all are welcome at any time during the year.
May I participate in communion?
We have an open table which means that all are welcome to participate; you don’t need to be a member of our church to celebrate communion with us. We provide individually packaged wafer and communion cups for each person at this time.
We typically celebrate the sacrament of Holy Communion on the first Sunday of each month.
What accommodations are there for those who have accessibility challenges?
The church building has multiple levels, but we have a full-sized elevator that will take you to every floor. An automated access door is located at our main entrance and our elevator is accessible at that entrance as well.
Our sanctuary entrance on the first floor is very close to the main entrance and the elevator making it easy to attend worship services. Wheelchairs can be accommodated at each service.
Upon entering the sanctuary, you may also request a large print worship bulletin and hymnal, and personalized hearing assistance devices. In addition, there are wheelchair accessible restrooms and a wheelchair lift to our youth activity areas. Our ushers can assist with accessibility needs for worship services.
How can I become a member of the church?
We understand that finding a new church home is a process of exploring and discovery. Some people come to our church as experienced Methodists and others are newcomers looking for a faith community to call their home. Everyone is welcome to participate in our community life whether you are a member or a not, so feel free to participate, and have your family participate, in any of our events, activities, and classes.
If you have any questions about becoming a member or wish to explore membership further, you may reach out to our church office at dgfumc@dgfumc.org or call the office at 630-968-7120 to find out more.
Are your facilities available for event rental?
To serve the community, our church’s grounds, meeting rooms, Chapel, gym, Fellowship Hall, and Chapel Hall, are available for gatherings.
To find out about space usage and reservations, please contact the church office at dgfumc@dgfumc.org or call the office at 630-968-7120 to find out more.
We are ADA accessible. The front entrance is wheelchair accessible and there is an elevator to reach all floors of the church. The sanctuary includes hearing assistance devices and a hearing loop. We have restrooms on every level of the church that are wheelchair accessible.