Welcome to...

Downers Grove First United Methodist Church

 Worship on Sundays with us!

8:30 a.m.   Chapel
10:00 a.m.  Sanctuary and Livestream

Sunday School offered during our 10:00 a.m. service.

11:00 a.m.   Messy Church (Second Sunday each month)


1032 Maple Avenue
Downers Grove, IL 60515

We invite you to experience God and find a community of hope, meaning, and purpose.

Become a part of something bigger!

About Us

We are a community of people growing together as disciples of Christ in our community.
Our mission is to extend opportunities to everyone to know God, grow in faith, and serve others.
Outdoor Movie Night

Maple Methodist Preschool Open House

Sunday, January 12; 2:00 to 4:00 p.m.

Visit the Preschool Open House in Room 101 (just follow the signs once you come in the main door from the parking lot). The Open House provides families with an opportunity to see classrooms, meet our staff and other parents, and ask questions. Those who wish can register on this day too!

Outdoor Movie Night

Martin Luther King Day Celebrations

Sunday, January 19; 3:00 p.m.

Celebrate Dr. Martin Luther King with the Northern Illinois Conference of the Methodist Church with prayers, testimonies, music, and a speaker in our Sanctuary. A light meal will follow in our Parlor. We invite all to join us!

Monday, January 20; 5:00 p.m.

 Join us as we celebrate the life and work of Martin Luther King and other civil rights activists by breaking bread, singing songs of the movement, and learning how we can make a difference in our community. We’ll meet in our church gym and serve pizza. Feel free to bring a side dish or a dessert. We invite all our neighbors and friends to join us!